Getting Started

Starting on the right foot is all about clean data. Below are some tips to get started.

  1. Cleanup QuickBooks

    1. Items in QuickBooks can be Non-Inventory or Inventory, and should have a structure of Manufacturer: Model e.g. Sony: BDP-S1700


      1. For consistency, there should be no Parent Items (Manufacturers) without subitems. There should also be no Models without Parent Items (Manufacturer)
      2. If there are items you no longer wish to use, just mark them inactive in QuickBooks and they won't be accessible in Tracknicity.
    2. Customers and Jobs in QuickBooks
      1. If there are Jobs that are complete and should not be billed to, just mark them inactive in QuickBooks and they won't be accessible in Tracknicity.
    3. Purchase Orders in QuickBooks
      1. Cleanup old Purchase Orders that are still open, but are no longer relevant.
      2. Go to Reports -> Purchases -> Open Purchase Orders by Job
      3. Go through the report and open any POs that should be closed. Once open, put a checkmark under "CLSD" next to any item that needs to be manually closed.

  2. Setup QuickBooks

      All Customers/Jobs are imported to Tracknicity to be able to check parts in/out to.

      • When a Customer/Job is marked inactive in QuickBooks, it is no longer selectable in the Tracknicity App/Dashboard.

      Customers should be treated as top-level items with subitems of specific Jobs. This allows a single customer to have multiple jobs.

      • If a selected Customer does not have any active Jobs under it, the main Customer will be selected for the given transaction or report.

  3. Add Inventory Locations and Users

    1. Inventory Locations
    2. Users

  4. Learn Items

    1. For the initial setup, you'll want to learn the UPC codes for items and adjust their quantity levels which can be done in the same place on the Tracknicity Mobile App.

  5. Understanding the Process Flows

    1. If you're using QuickBooks Item Type of Non-Inventory, refer here.
    2. For QuickBooks Item Type of Inventory, refer here.