Inventory Item Type Process Flows
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Intro Note: If you're using Inventory Item Types in QuickBooks, Tracknicity assumes you have good business processes in place to keep your QuickBooks Quantities accurate. If not, we would suggest you read the flow below and if it doesn't make sense for your company, we ask that you consider going to Non-Inventory Item Types. Non-Inventory Item Types allow Tracknicity to take full control over the inventory counts without regard to the data in QuickBooks. Feel free to reach out to our support team at any time to go over your options and current business processes to see how we would best fit.
Core Concepts
- What happens in QuickBooks, happens in Tracknicity
- When a Vendor Bill is entered for an Item in QuickBooks, the QuickBooks Quantity On Hand for that item increases by the given quantity. The same is true in Tracknicity. We use your "Default" Warehouse Location to make these adjustments in.
- When a Customer Invoice for an Item is created in QuickBooks, the QuickBooks Quantity On Hand for that item decreases by the given value. The same is true in Tracknicity. Again, we use your "Default" Warehouse Location to make these adjustments in.
- To reiterate, any adjustments that happen in QuickBooks that affect an Item's Quantity On Hand, will happen in Tracknicity in the "Default" Warehouse Location. If, in fact, it needed to happen in a different Warehouse Location, you will then need to make an adjustment in Tracknicity between the "Default" Location and the correct Location.
Purchasing Items For Stock
- Create Purchase Order in QuickBooks (optional) and Purchase Items
- When items arrive, create an Item Receipt or Bill in QuickBooks to mark that PO as received. This will increase the Quantity On Hand in QuickBooks and Tracknicity to your "Default" Location
Moving Stock To Customer
- In the Tracknicity Mobile App, go to the Transaction screen.
- In the From section, select the Warehouse location you’re moving the item from.
- In the To section, select the customer/job you are moving the item to.
- Scan, browse, or search for item(s) and add them to the item list. Adjust quantity as needed.
- (Optional) If you’re not immediately delivering this item, you can select the “Add To Staged Item List” button. This will add this item to the picklist to be selected later.
- When you’re ready to deliver this item to the customer, go to the Transaction screen in the Tracknicity Mobile App.
- In the from section, Select “Staging Area” as the location.
- Choose the customer/job you chose in step 1.b. of this instructional.
- Select the item, adjust the quantity if necessary, and hit “Checkout”. Your items have now been marked as delivered in Tracknicity
- These checked out items are now in the Approvals Report on the Tracknicity Web Dashboard. Once they are approved, one of the below functions will happen in QuickBooks depending on your Tracknicity settings.
- Nothing: If this setting is selected, nothing will happen in QuickBooks. Use cases for this include when you want to create your own Invoice or add to an existing Invoice and bill them at your own rate. As we mentioned in the intro note, we assume you have solid business processes in place if you're using Inventory Item Types in QuickBooks. This allows you to continue using your normal processes.
- Create Zero-Dollar Invoice: This will create a brand new invoice in QuickBooks for zero dollars. Use cases for this include when your company bills by project and not by item, but still need to deduct the Quantity On Hand in QuickBooks for that item.
- Create Zero-Dollar Sales Order: This does the same as the above, but allows you to later convert all of the Sales Orders created into a single Zero-Dollar invoice for the sake of cleanliness.
Purchasing Items for Customer
- Create a Purchase Order in QuickBooks and map all items to the appropriate Customer/Jobs
- Receive the items in QuickBooks by entering a Bill or an Expense against the earlier created Purchase Order in step 1
- When you're ready to Deliver these to the customer - In the Tracknicity Mobile App, go to the Transaction Screen
- In the from section, Select “Staging Area” as the location.
- Choose the customer/job you chose in step 3 of this instructional.
- Select the item, adjust the quantity if necessary, and hit “Checkout”. Your items have now been marked as delivered in Tracknicity
- Again, we assume you have solid business processes in place to make sure these items get invoiced or adjusted out of the Quantity On Hand in QuickBooks.
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